Smart modules are increasingly key to edge computing – the wider industry must understand how to make the most of their potential Across IoT, organizations are looking to control their costs by optimizing the location of their compute power. Some see cloud or edge as the core computing resource – but thanks to the advances […]
IoT ODMs (original design manufacturers) can bring considerable expertise to a project’s development phase, helping streamline design and speed time-to-market A significant challenge for IoT developers and designers is not only to create devices that have the capabilities to deliver on a service idea or use case but also to do so within the constraints […]
High-precision GNSS provides the capability to accurately and precisely locate devices and enable them to communicate. The technology has evolved to deliver centimeter-level accuracy so users can easily locate devices such as e-scooters and companies can ensure their devices and equipment can operate in geo-fenced areas and comply with regulations. Enabling increased efficiency, improved safety […]
Simplifying the certification process is a must for organizations facing a tight product release timeline or who prefer to focus on core competencies Certification for IoT devices is a process often left until last in the development cycle. But because certification can be lengthy, complex and demanding, leaving too much of this ‘til the end […]
IoT antenna integration is fundamental to the performance of connected devices. Depending on the use case and device design, there are significant considerations to take into account when selecting antennas. These range from the obvious, such as whether to specify an embedded or external antenna, to the subtle, such as how to avoid interference. As […]
Connected remote tank monitoring is a well-established IoT use case delivering significant cost-savings and efficiency gains for suppliers and users of liquids and gases. Supply chain wastage is eliminated and deliveries are made when needed, rather than as part of a schedule. In fact, remote tanks have a vast range of use cases that include […]
As the IoT grows at pace, the industry must adopt sound IoT hardware design principles to produce capable, cost-effective products IoT applications and services are increasingly reliant on optimized hardware to perform as expected within the constraints of cost, dimensions, power consumption and security. Developers therefore are under even more pressure to design hardware that […]
Wi-Fi innovations are broadening the appeal and lifespan of this go-to technology Wi-Fi continues to be used to connect offices, homes, factories and campuses, and is reinvigorating thanks to recent innovations that improve performance and coverage. The technology, thanks to developments such as Wi-Fi 7 and Wi-Fi HaLow, is now applicable to more use cases […]
For application developers, IoT security is a fundamental baseline foundation that must be considered from the design stage, through manufacturing to the ultimate deployment and operation of the device itself. Security is not an end state, it’s an ongoing process of selecting and integrating components that offer secure attributes and can contribute to the overall […]
As the industry coalesces around new standards, it opens up possibilities for new 5G use cases The promises of 5G are rapidly materializing into a broad spectrum of use cases, each with unique requirements. As 5G technology matures, new capabilities and variants are surfacing, extending its reach across various applications. With the advent of 3GPP […]
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