IP Throughput with 5G instruments
Maximizing IP throughput is a fundamental requirement of communications and achieving this is becoming more complex with the introduction of 5G. In this Masterclass, Quectel experts will guide you through how to set up environments with Windows 10 PCs to enable 5G IP throughput. In addition, the Masterclass will introduce FR1 and FR2 application solutions and introduce the Quectel RM510Q-GL, detailing uplink data connection and IP throughput capabilities.

Justin Yeuh
Justin joined Quectel in 2020 as an FAE responsible for 5G modules. He is now in charge of the MTK 5G platform for 5G modules such as the RG500L, and provides technical support for the 5G module portfolio when needed.
Job title:

Saxon Huang
Job title:
Quectel Wireless Solutions
How to set up environments with Windows 10 PCs to enable 5G IP throughput
FR1 and FR2 application solutions
The Quectel RM510Q-GL’s IP throughput capabilities