Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. Number 3: Keep focused on end users, customers and real-world deployments We’re a technology company so innovation is never far from […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. No. 1: Follow your interests and play to your strengths I was always interested in technology and my high school education […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. Number 4: The complexities of managing a global team When I joined Quectel, it was clear we had to build our global […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. Number 4: Lessons learnt from the first ten years of Quectel In 2019, just ten years after starting the company, Quectel’s […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. No 2: Handling hyperscale deployments and fragmented customer demands The IoT market is hugely diverse with so many differences between customers, […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. Number 3: Putting in place structures for the next wave of success One of the management challenges currently is how to […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. Number 3: Fostering success in a competitive market To me, Quectel is the way we can work for the betterment of […]
Management Motivations: How Quectel executives lead to succeed Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. Number 1: No challenge is too big if you break it down into […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. No 2: Logical progression delivers operational results My management style is to be hands-on, I like to work with people. I […]
Management Motivations is a new series of articles by Quectel’s senior executives that explores their management styles, approaches to the challenges of further developing the company and what drives them to lead and succeed. Number 1: How China’s drive and Quectel’s huge potential caught my attention Quectel is a young, dynamic company that has a […]
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