MCU+Celular em um único SoC (Portuguese)
Effective IoT modules need to cater for a wide range of use cases and enable customers the opportunity to customise their functionality as much as possible. In this webinar, our experts explain the advantages of QuecOpen, the open-source, embedded development platform which allows the module to work as the main processor. Topics include: introduction to QuecOpen, development guide SW/HW, and demo application with QuecOpen. This webinar is in Portuguese.

Micael Lisboa
Micael Lisboa is an alumnus of the Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul and leads Quectel's LATAM FAE team. Since graduation he has gained practical experience repairing and maintaining portable electronic devices and a broad knowledge of M2M products.
Job title:
FAE Section Manager
Introduction to QuecOpen
Development guide SW/HW
Demo application with QuecOpen