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How does a smarter world impact Quectel’s customers?

Smartness isn’t only being faster – it’s about using fewer resources and innovative approaches to IoT connectivity and energy

The world is getting steadily smarter and companies have to keep up or get left behind – meaning they need short time-to-market so they can introduce new products and services rapidly, either as innovators or in response to competition. Being constrained by traditional development cycles as access to last generation’s technology is a recipe for failure – but smartness isn’t only about being faster. A smarter world is also a cleverer world, in which more can be achieved with fewer resources.

A win here can look like something being achieved in the same time but for less cost, more quickly but at the same cost or – ideally – faster and cheaper than before. This is where smartness comes in to help minimize consumption of resources of all types, from battery power, to employee time, to reducing the total materials bill for a device or eliminating inefficiency in the supply chain.

Smartness means improving the status of everyone across society

Working cleverly is so much more efficient than just working hard, and the smarter world we are building is designed to help improve the status of all across society. For our customers, that means relying on Quectel to bring you the tools you need to build the smarter world. In the past that has centered around modules and we’re confident our world leading portfolio contains an ideal module for all your devices. Now we deliver the antennas, the connectivity and the design services you need to move at the speed of smartness and even to out-accelerate innovation.

Being at the leading edge of smartness is difficult, complex and can be expensive to make real but the prizes for success are also enormous. Quectel as a trusted partner can be your guide to demystify what being smart truly means. Collaborate with us to access our experience of bringing IoT projects to reality across the globe.

A smarter world means flexible approaches to IoT connectivity

At this exciting time many of the barriers to earlier IoT are being addressed. Connectivity advances allow for secure, high speed networks and coupled with global cellular standards and new approaches to SIM, such as integrated and embedded SIM, mean truly global products can be produced with no need for regional variations. This brings down cost and radically opens up new markets for you because you only have to make one variant and that variant will not require local adaptations once deployed.

This is a giant step towards further smartness and is a strong example of how Quectel sees innovation powering smartness. The ideal should be to develop technologies that remove complexity, simplify operational processes and are easy to manage. As more steps such as the simplification of global connectivity or the wider adoption of multi-access edge computing (MEC) are made, IoT developers and service providers face the challenges of increasing speed and even greater functionality but they also have greater strengths than ever before to enable them to exploit the opportunities to their fullest extent.